Welcome to our new site!
At Compelled, we create handmade ceramic jewelry for missions and adoption fundraisers. We are a family business that likes to partner with gospel-centered ministries to creat unique accessories with a boho flair. Each ceramic piece has a hand-etched scripture reference on the back and comes in a drawing fabric bag sewn by a ministry in Kenya.
We’ve partnered with hundreds of families and individuals to help them raise funds for their adoptions and short term missions trips. We’ve helped people fundraise to purchase service dogs, sponsor a Compassion child, send their kids to summer camp, support their favorite ministry, and lots of other great causes! If you’re interested in learning more about our fundraisers click here. If you’d like to purchase individual pieces for yourself or gifts check out our Instagram page @CompelledDesign (there’s no ‘s’ at the end) or our Etsy page.